Welcome to CareerHub

CareerHub is Ara’s online job board, connecting students, graduates, employers, and career centre staff. You can advertise your opportunities for free to students and graduates.

New to CareerHub?

Click 'REGISTER' to complete the registration process. The Career Centre staff will review and approve your application before you can advertise opportunities (you will be notified by email).

Already registered?

If you are already registered, then you will have to login to access all the features.

What does CareerHub provide?

When you are registered as an employer you will be able to:

  • add vacancies directly to the CareerHub system for students/graduates to search
  • edit and close the vacancies you have listed
  • view a history of all the previous vacancies you have listed on CareerHub
  • add events you are running to CareerHub for students to search (employment related only)
  • maintain your contact details and adjust employment categories
  • select appropriate employment categories
  • add a list of contact people within your company, and specify primary contact categories

All items you add to CareerHub will be subject to approval by the Career Centre.

Thank you for thinking of our students and graduates when recruiting for your opportunities.